Your Complete Residential, Commercial, Industrial & Municipal Water Well Contractor
Frequently Asked Questions
These are some of the most commonly asked questions. If you have any additional questions, don’t hesitate to call and ask!
How do I _______________?, see our Huemann How-To Guides to learn how to
· Chlorinate your well
· Drain and recharge your pressure tank
· Take a sterile water sample

1. Why do I seem to have low water pressure when I turn on a faucet or shower?
There are several reasons why you may experience low water pressure at your faucet:
- 1. Strainer/aerator on the faucet is clogged.
2. Plumbing to a faucet or in the faucet is plugged.
3. Softener or house filter is restricting flow.
4. Waterlogged pressure tank/”bad” pressure tank
5. Low volume of water from well or overuse of well capacity (too many faucets on).
The best way to narrow down the area of the problem is to check the pressure at the pressure tank by looking at the pressure gauge. If it seems to have the appropriate pressure readings then turn on the faucet at the pressure tank. If the pressure coming from the faucet at the pressure tank is good, then your well and pressure tank are not the problem. More likely it is a restriction in flow in your plumbing, faucets, softener or aerator.
2. Why does my water smell?
Different formations in the ground contain naturally occurring minerals. These minerals are completely harmless but do create the odors found in well water. In Southern Wisconsin, the most prevalent odors come from iron and sulfur and the non-harmful iron bacteria and sulfur bacteria that sometimes accompany these minerals. Two other potential sources of smelly water are the magnesium rod in your hot water heater or a bad “bladder” in your pressure tank. Both of these can leave a “rotten egg” smell in your water. Depending on the cause of the smell, there are several steps you can take:
a. Chlorinate your system to clean out any mineral bacteria
b. Install a water softener/Reverse Osmosis system to remove minerals
c. Replace the defective pressure tank
d. Remove the magnesium rod from the hot water heater
Our qualified professionals at T. Huemann Well & Pump, Inc. can assist you with these problems. Contact us for a quote.
Other resources: What’s Wrong With My Water DNR Webpage
3. How do you estimate the depth of a well for a bid?
Estimating the depth of any well for a proposal consists of compiling data from careful research. We examine other wells in the area that are logged onto a DNR computer file. This allows us to enter the address or legal description of the property and call up other well locations in that immediate area. Many times we have already drilled a well nearby and have our own experience and records on hand. Finally, we estimate in the geologic water tables in that location. More than 75% of the time we are within 20 feet of our estimated well depth.
Please see our Free Estimate Page
4. Why do I need a screen?
When a well is finished in a sand and gravel water-bearing formation, the screen is a necessary component to your system. It keeps the sand and gravel out while allowing the maximum flow of water into your good casing. It is just like a coffee filter that keeps the grounds out but still allows the water to flow freely. Because it allows the well to continually produce the same volume of water throughout the years, we believe it actually prolongs the life of the well.
5. Are steel wells better than PVC wells?
In Wisconsin, the state requires us to use steel whenever we finish a well in a limestone formation. We are able to use PVC whenever we finish our wells in sand and gravel formations. PVC wells are better than steel because they don’t rust or allow mineral build up to form on the casing. They also don’t add any “taste” to the water as steel can do over a period of time. The PVC is also pressure tested and manufactured specifically to handle pressure. This makes it a very durable, strong product.
6. Why does there seem to be "left-over" dirt after my water line has been installed?
After the water line has been excavated and installed in the trench, our company backfills the trench with the same dirt that was initially removed. Oftentimes, once backfilling is complete there will be a mound that extends above the ground. This is the result of the excavating process which has disturbed and loosened the once compact earth. The only true thing that helps this is time to allow the dirt to “settle”. The rain, sun, and wind naturally help to settle the earth into the trench. This can take several weeks, and then all that is necessary is some light raking and grass seed. Many homeowners will remove the mounded dirt, level the trench sight and plant grass seed without allowing the trench to naturally “settle”. Unfortunately, what happens is the once level ground still settles naturally, and now the homeowner has a big “gulley” in their yard. Although unsightly, it is best to just allow the dirt to become compacted over time.
7. How deep to I have to go to get "good" water?
“Good” water is really much more dependent on the geological formations and waterbed of the well’s area than any specific foot depth. It is a myth to think that any specific depth will allow you to have better water than another. Generally speaking, the deeper you go there is more chance for increased minerals. These minerals are leached out and increase in the water as you go through each mineral bearing formation. “Good” water is also a customer preference and can vary greatly between customers. It may be necessary to have a softener installed to get really good water. The best thing is to have your water tested for hardness (mineral content). Hardness testing is done by anyone who installs a water softener. Also, take a drink… do you like it??? Then you probably have really good water.
8. Will I need a water softener with my existing or new well?
Most water in Southern Wisconsin is “hard” water. This means there are a lot of minerals found in the water tables. Oftentimes, this hard water will stain ceramic fixtures, white clothing, and even blonde hair may begin to turn light orange. (Not a pretty sight, take it from me) You may find you require more soap for washing yourself, clothes or dishes as there appears to be little to no lather. You may even think your water tastes/smells of minerals. These signs all indicate the need for a softener system to help decrease the mineral content of your water.
T.Huemann Well & Pump Inc. is your complete residential, commercial, industrial, municipal, farm water well contractor. We offer a variety of services which include 24/7 emergency service, water well pump service, sump pump service, well water pressure tank service, constant pressure systems, water well drilling, geothermal drilling and installation, extraction wells, well rehabilitation, water testing, water sampling, water system design, real estate well inspection, certified water system operator services, well chlorination, well abandonment, well system upgrade, water lateral installation, water lateral leak repair. irrigation pump service, lake pump service.
T.Huemann Well & Pump Inc. is fully licensed and insured and is proudly serving clients throughout southern Wisconsin, in communities such as Burlington, Waterford, Union Grove, Mount Pleasant, Racine, Wind Lake, Kenosha, Pleasant Prairie, Somers, Bristol, Twin Lakes, Paddock Lake, Silver Lake, Walworth, Genoa City, Lake Geneva, Lyons, Delavan, Elkhorn, East Troy, Whitewater, Sharon, Janesville, Beloit, Eagle, Mukwonago, Waukesha, New Berlin, Muskego, Big Bend, Hales Corners, Franklin, Greendale, Oak Creek, South Milwaukee. In Wisconsin: Walworth County- Racine County- Kenosha County- Southern Waukesha County- Southern Milwaukee County- Eastern Rock County- Southern Jefferson County.